Personal Branding

Personal Branding: What’s Your Slogan?

Personal Branding: What’s Your Slogan?

In today’s world of social media, personal branding, personal marketing and finding your niche, major companies have given us a method to create a way to be remembered. A catchy, thought provoking slogan! RELATED:3 Examples Of Great Personal Branding As slogans go, they need to say something profound, they need to be easy to remember, and they need to place your brand in the market to produce. Some catchy slogans I remember come from all kinds of companies - some competitors in the same industry and some are unique small businesses. For example, Home Depot's slogan is, “Let’s build something together," and Lowes' is, “Never stop improving." When I speak to young students and young professionals, we talk about building a network of people to help continue growth. No one is going to be successful alone, so these two slogans help me leave an idea behind when my time in front of the group is over. Not only do I use commercial slogans, I use quotes and unique phrases to help me remember, deliver, or act on a task that will help make a difference in my life and the lives of my audience. One of my favorite authors, speakers and teacher, John C. Maxwell, taught me that no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Colin L Powell, former Mr. Everything: Army four star General, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State, has a list of rules that includes always be kind and get mad then get over it. The late great speaker Zig Ziglar gave outstanding advice, saying I can have everything I want as long as I help others get what they want. This is why I share my time and knowledge. I also rely a great deal on biblical scripture to help me move forward and continue growth. I share verses like: faith without works is dead, faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen, and as iron sharpens iron a person sharpens the character of a friend. The words and phrases you use on a regular can define you. They can become what you are remembered by. Actions do speak louder than words, but do your words and actions match? Your slogan should tell people who you are, and your actions should prove it. In some cases, people will know your slogan simply by watching your actions. What’s being said about you? This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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