6 Ways to Get More Personal in a Digital World

6 Ways to Get More Personal in a Digital World
How do we turn all the Tweeters, Facebookers, LinkedIners into actionable tangible relationships? I use TweetDeck as a social application that helps me organize and monitor my social platform activity. Sometimes I watch my Twitter friend stream pulse by and I'm astounded with the activity per 15 seconds! Somehow we have to find a way to leverage all this activity into tangible results be it a referral, customer, inquiry. Firstly, I use the search tool features on most of the social platforms to find the people who are most likely to be interested in me and what I do. These can be people directly in the industries and content I cover, plus other layers of possible synergy. Then I time block into my schedule time for prospecting and qualifying potential connections. Not everyone is going to be willing and mutual. You really have to "vet" your connections and spend some time interacting to see how you communicate together virtually. Here are six ways you can get more personal with people in the digital world:
  1. Comment on or re-post something I find interesting and has value to my followers and platforms.
  2. Invite certain people to guest on my weekly Blog Talk Radio show podcast.
  3. Pick at least 3-5 people weekly to set up phone, Skype or in-person meetings.
  4. Invite experts to guest write on my blog.
  5. Collaborate on webinars, teleconference calls and live workshops and seminars.
  6. Include or feature a post, book, website or blog into my newsletters and e-mail marketing.
Here are just a few amazing tangible rewards of getting more personal in our digital space: Author, Entrepreneur and National Workplace Expert, Tory Johnson put her profile in my book and gave me a beautiful praise for the cover. I am writing regularly for Personal Branding Expert, Dan Schawbel’s PersonalBrandingBlog.com, Anita Campbell’s SmallBizTrends.com, and top-three career blog CAREEREALISM.com! Plus, my Metropolis radio show (in its third year) has over 27,000 downloads and is frequently featured. So, get out there and play, greet, and meet! If you are not living, working and playing in the virtual, digital space, you are missing out on opportunities to meet what could be some of the most valued and impact people in your life and business! What are some of your tangible rewards from networking in the digital world? Deborah Shane is an insightful Career Branding Specialist and a creative Social Media Marketing Consultant, who guides and motivates people through their current career transitions and professional empowerment at DeborahShane.comRead more » articles by this approved career expert | Click here » if you’re a career expert Image from Toria/Shutterstock
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