
3 Secrets To A Powerful Resume Summary

3 Secrets To A Powerful Resume Summary

Writing a powerful resume summary that stops employers cold and makes them realize you're the right candidate is quite a challenge. After all, you're good at what you do, but you'll need to boil your ROI down to concise statements in this section in order to stand out. Watch:Is A Summary Necessary On A Resume? For most people, writing a summary of qualifications is a such a major task that they look around at other resume examples to get ideas! Here are some insider tips to creating a summary that exemplifies your personal brand in just a few words – making employers take notice:

1. Lose The Boilerplate Language

Today, every professional is self-motivated and results-driven (and if they aren't, they'll be spending the majority of their time job hunting). Copying generic summary phrases from other resumes is one of the worst sins you can commit, because it's a sure way to tell employers that you're identical to everyone else. Shake things up instead by making a list of your top value-added skills employers need. Do you complete projects faster or more accurately than colleagues? Have you been promoted more quickly, due to your business acumen or leadership skills? Are you able to spot new business opportunities and close deals that are lucrative for your employer? This list will give you ideas to use in writing your summary—concepts and skills unique to YOU that most likely won't show up in the resumes of your competition.

2. Pull In Quantifiable Facts

Employers aren't hiring just to have a potential source of help – they need the ROI you can deliver. So show them your value in figures gleaned from throughout your experience. This example of an Operational Safety Manager resume summary provides a quick snapshot of consistent value, backed up by metrics: “Safety advocate and operational leader who influences profit (up to 20% single-year increase) by fostering productive, engaged employees. Hands-on manager with strong financial acumen, delivering regular cost, efficiency, and volume forecasting improvements throughout 80,000-square foot plants." As shown here, quantifiable achievements in your resume summary help to quickly distinguish you from other candidates – even in a crowded field with hundreds of applicants.

3. Drop Names

Marketing copywriters have known for years that name-dropping gets attention. Now, you can take a cue from these professionals to amp up the volume in your resume summary section. If you're in a sales leadership role, you can mention names of major clients or employers, as shown in this sample of an International VP Sales resume. You can also use the names of high-profile clients (“Closed high-value deals with Apple, Cisco Systems, and Oracle"), or a descriptive phrase if client names are confidential (“Created millions in key partnerships with Fortune-ranked corporations in the technology industry"). Not in sales? You can still reference the names of partner alliances, past employers, or vendors to show collaboration and leadership skills, as in this example: “Senior Vice President commended for turning around performance through sourcing negotiations with Baptist Health System, Medical Center of Austin, and the Mayo Clinic." In conclusion, your resume summary isn't the place to be modest and toned-down in describing your brand value. Instead, consider boosting its effectiveness with well-placed, strategic information on your specific value-add to employers. This post was originally published on an earlier date.

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About the author

Laura Smith-Proulx, Executive Director of An Expert Resume, is a resume industry leader, 13-time global TORI resume award winner, LinkedIn expert, author, personal brand strategist, and former recruiter with 20+ years of experience winning choice jobs for executives and rising leaders. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert.
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