
Introducing the newest way to unite job seekers with employers!

Hashtag Of The Day Calendar

Hampton, NH - Today, job seekers are more informed than ever before. In fact, 90% of candidates are doing their research before applying to a job. So, it's now more important than ever that you are taking control of your employer brand.

The most popular way for candidates to search for a company on social media is by using hashtags related to certain aspects of your business while they're looking you up on sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. In fact, it's one of the hottest trends in talent attraction today.

In order to successfully connect with candidates online and show them why you're a great place to work, employers need to be using hashtags in all of their posts in order to get in front of the right audience.

#facebook #menlopark #CA #tech #largebiz #coworkers #idealcandidate #teamwork #companyemployees

Work It Daily has recently introduced a new way to unite job seekers and employers online. The solution is something being used by both talent and companies every day on social platforms...hashtags.

To help connect job seekers to their dream company, we have created a Hashtag of the Day Calendar that will help streamline the process. We've collected some of the most popular things job seekers are looking for in their next job. Every day of the work week we have listed a hashtag associated with one of those these benefits.

"By creating a universal set of hashtags to be used by job seekers and employers, we are empowering both sides to find each other faster," said J.T. O'Donnell, founder and CEO of Work It Daily. "Creating a common language to describe the culture and benefits of working at a company was long overdue!"

Our goal is to have companies and their employees share content online featuring these topics and use those hashtags in the posts so that job seekers can easily find them online.

We will be taking the best content that uses the hashtag of the day and sharing it with our network of job seekers. If you want to attract top talent, you need to get in front of them, and the best way to do that is post content with hashtags.

"One thing I truly love about the Hashtag of the Day Calendar is how it's both fun and educational. Companies participating will not only enjoy the benefits of getting featured to thousands of job seekers, but they'll also learn how other companies are positioning themselves to attract top talent," said O'Donnell. "And the best part is, the more employers share on social media about their companies using our universal hashtags, the better the chances the candidates they desire will find them!"

#facebook #menlopark #CA #tech #largebiz #leadership #management #missiondriven #csuite #openenvironment

Are you new to using hashtags? To help you get started, check out our Employer Brand Hashtag Cheat Sheet.

Ready to start attracting qualified candidates? Sign up for the "Hashtag of the Day Calendar" and start pairing hashtags with all of your content online in order for job seekers to learn more about you!

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