Hump Day Treat: 5 Quick Tips For Better Productivity

Hump Day Treat: 5 Quick Tips For Better Productivity

Happy Hump Day, Careerealists! The weekend is almost here (kinda), are you losing focus yet? There are so many distractions - Kim and Kanye had a baby, Miss Utah made an embarrassing flub on national TV, and 'The Voice' just declared this season's winner... Who has time to focus on work??

5 Quick Tips For Better Productivity

Need some ideas for getting everything done? Here are my quick tips for better productivity:

1. Keep A Brainstorm Book

In addition to my notebook, which I use for meetings, I keep a brainstorm book. This is where I write down any ideas that come to me throughout the day. It's full of project ideas, article topics, business ideas, and even doodles when my brain needs to take five (see tip #5). Note: Never use your brainstorm book to make to-do lists (and vice versa!). I am a big fan of to-do lists, but your lists and meeting notes shouldn't find their way into your BSB. This notebook is your creative place. Don't feng up its shui.

2. Get To Work 15-30 Minutes Earlier

I am not a morning person. I repeat: NOT. However, when I do manage to roll out of my bed and awake from my peaceful slumber, I love getting to work before the rest of the staff. It's nice to be able to come in, have my coffee, and organize myself for the day before things get crazy. It might be a little harder to do (especially on Mondays), but I'm generally more relaxed and productive when I come into a quiet office. Not to mention, all the successful people do it.

3. Keep Cool Treats On Hand

Studies show that you're 78% more productive after indulging in a frozen treat of some sort. Just kidding, I totally made that up. However, having a refreshing treat definitely gives me the boost I need to get everything done. So, even if it's not scientifically proven, I totally recommend it. (My personal favorites: Luigi's Real Italian Ice and Hoodsie Ice Cream Cups - both are only 100 calories per treat!)

4. Answer Your E-mails

Yes, everyone says that e-mail is one of the biggest productivity suckers out there. I completely agree. However, I have also found that NOT dealing with my e-mails turns me into Stressed-Out Sally. Knowing that I have (0) New Messages makes me feel like I'm on top of the world... I've conquered the Evil Inbox! After responding to all of my e-mails, I can let my brain focus on one thing: the next task on my to-do list.

5. Don't Be Afraid To Take Five

Even the best of us get burned out after sitting on a computer for eight hours straight. Do yourself a favor and take a little break to recharge some of those overworked brain cells. Take a walk, grab a coffee, or check in with a friend or co-worker. My favorite thing to do? Snuggle up on the break room couch and doodle in my brainstorm book (hey, it's promoting creativity, right?). Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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