Do You Really Need A Master's Degree?

Do You Really Need A Master's Degree?

As a professional, career advancement must be a priority. It can be achieved in a lot of ways, mostly in being a valuable member of your company. But do you really need a master's degree to move up? Adding additional meat to your credible resume might help, yes. In fact, sometimes, having a master's degree is the key. However, it's still a case to case basis. Before jumping on the opportunity to go back to school, you must consider all your options first. For some careers, having an additional degree means very little. Yes, there are actually career fields that don't look at your academic achievements. For some, your skills and work ethics are the only thing important. There are factors to consider. Let the following questions guide you:

Is your chosen career more skill-based than knowledge-based?

If yes, then maybe being a graduate student isn't necessary. Take writers for example. It's all in the skills and not in the number of diplomas you have in the house. There are individuals who get published even without a proper training. There are writers who instantly get picked to be columnists despite having very little experience in the field. Then, there are some who already have a graduate degree but have yet to get a single essay published anywhere. Essay writers need to produce quality pieces, not just quality degrees. It's in instances like this, that experience and practice matter more than attending lectures. Attending workshops and taking on internship are better options for careers like this. But if you really feel like the only way you can be better at your craft is by going back to school, then do so.

Does your work pertains to increasing a certain body of knowledge?

If you work in a field that aims to contribute to a certain field of knowledge, then having a master's degree is necessary. You'll learn more about different research methods when you go to graduate school. You'll also gain a broader scope of understanding of your field. Individuals who work in fields that continuously evolve and develop will benefit from going to graduate school. It can serve as an advantage for them. But most of all, it will definitely provide a way for them to have a more thorough knowledge of their profession. Self-study is a good way to learn, but attending formal institutions offer a lot more opportunities and leverage.

Do you work in the academy?

If yes, then no questions asked you need a master's degree. And eventually, a doctorate is in order. It's usually in the rules for professors and instructors to continue their education, it stands to reason that they continuously update their knowledge regarding their chosen field. Take for example a historian who teaches in college. They'll have a more in-depth knowledge of history if they pursue a master's degree. Besides, their students will believe more in their credibility if they have additional degrees.

Do you really want to?

If yes, then by all means ignore the naysayers. Enroll yourself in graduate school if that will make you happy. Because it's never a waste to learn more about your field. It's never a waste to grow your knowledge and acquire an expertise. Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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