5 Reasons Why Recruiters Are Using Twitter for Recruitment

5 Reasons Why Recruiters Are Using Twitter for Recruitment
1. Twitter is free; and with the cost of business sometimes being a hefty burden, even recruitment firms can’t resist the charms of a no-cost, useful online tool. For recruiters seeing a decline in assignments, free services such as Twitter can offer needed relief to a weighed-down operating budget. For job seekers: Twitter is free, even to Jane and Joe Job Seeker. If recruiters are using Twitter to attract ideal job candidates, it seems only fitting job seekers should put themselves in the position to be attracted.2. Twitter provides a substantial reach for recruiters, putting them in touch with prime job candidates that few other online services provide. Building hundreds of followers within a few short weeks is very doable, so Twitter can certainly put recruiters in touch with followers (job seekers) quickly as well. For job seekers: Twitter puts you within “tweet reach” of recruiters.3. Twitter offers a formal and informal platform for recruiters to open conversations. Recruiters strive for the best job candidates, which usually means “cherry picking” prime candidates away from competitors. Twitter certainly offers one more method of contact to pick. For job seekers: Make yourself accessible to recruiters by learning about their current and continued recruitment needs. Take an active interest in keeping up on recruiter posts, recommending colleagues or associates when the need arises. (Keep in mind not each job posted will be perfect for you, but might be perfect for someone in your network — don’t forget to feed your network!) 4. With Twitter having an estimated 200+ million registered users, building relationships and keeping in contact with colleagues and industry groups has never been easier. The next generation of the Internet is about building relationships, and Twitter’s neighborhood provides an ideal platform for doing it. For job seekers: Use Twitter to find and build relationships with recruiters who are ideal matches for you. Focus on those specific to your ideal job title and target industry.5. Twitter has created a community for recruiters to learn, and pass on those teachings. A recruiter would be wise to build their brand and network by using what they learn, or what they know, and passing it on to others. For job seekers: Consider yourself a funnel for information. Sift through what you receive, and pass on only what’s of importance to those who follow you — that includes passing on job leads and job-search tips too. When the time is right, those on the receiving end of your tweets will return the favor by making you privy to job leads as well.Photo credit: Shutterstock
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