College Graduates

3 Things All Recent Grads Need To Do When Job Searching

3 Things All Recent Grads Need To Do When Job Searching
This article was written by Marianne Grady, a certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), on behalf of the Happy Grad Project. When my children were young, they would use the word “bajillion” to describe when there was a lot of something. I would bet that at this point, you have heard a bajillion pieces of advice on how to conduct your job search. Am I right? Related:7 Common Job Hunting Mistakes Students Make As a business and interview coach, I too have come across a plethora of information on this subject. For recent grads like you, this may be overwhelming once you begin the hunt for your dream job. Where do you begin? To help you crack the code and focus on the most important stuff, I have boiled it down to three things all recent grads need to do when job searching...

1. Be prepared.

Every day until you get a job, you should be spending time preparing. Doing research on companies you would like to work for, knowing the challenges they face, practicing your answers to the most common interview questions, developing your network and crafting your elevator pitch. This way, when opportunity comes a knocking, you’ll be ready. The amount of time you devote to preparation will have a direct correlation to the amount of time you take to find the right job.

2. Know your value proposition.

What is it about you that makes you stand out from the rest? Why should I hire you instead of Joe or Sue? Knowing how your education, skills and accomplishments can help the company you are interviewing with can give you a big edge in an interview. Instead of blathering on about yourself, you are connecting the dots for the interviewer. My experience on the debate team has helped me develop strong analytical skills. I am confident that these skills would allow me to hit the ground running and I would be able to add value on day one. Connect the dots for the employer.

3. Bring your enthusiasm and passion.

Nothing frustrates me more as a hiring manager than when the interview is coming to a close and I cannot read the candidate. They seem “meh”! I should never have to ask, "How does this sound to you?" During the course of the interview, make sure you are smiling and showing your passion and enthusiasm about the job. I want to hire people who want to work for our company; not just get a paycheck. The conclusion that I have drawn is that recent grads, in an effort to be “professional," check their personality and passion at the door. They are often too serious. It is the worst thing you can do. The interviewer is adding you to their established team. They need to like you if you want to get hired. Make sure you enthusiastically reiterate your interest in the position at the end of an interview. Getting the job can be tough. If you do the work, you will not only get a job, you will get THE job. Prepare for every situation and opportunity, learn how you can be valuable to prospective employers and get fired up with passion and enthusiasm. You will soon be on your way to a satisfying career.

Download Your FREE E-Book!

Graduating? Know someone who is? As a perk of the Happy Grad Project, we're offering a FREE download of our e-book, "The Recent Grad's Guide To Getting A Job." This e-book is JAM-PACKED with tips from experts and recruiters, videos, and additional help. Don't put off your job search any longer. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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