Reluctant To Go Into Business For Yourself And Not Good At Sales? Try This!

Reluctant To Go Into Business For Yourself And Not Good At Sales? Try This!

If your main stumbling block to starting your own business is you don't think you're good at sales, take heart. Not all businesses require their owners be sales pros. For one thing, you can attract business with advertising and marketing, and plenty of businesses are designed to bring customers to them. If you offer a valuable commodity in the marketplace, you can help your customers find you. Related: Ready For A Career Switch? Consider A Franchise Just consider the types of businesses you typically seek out: the chain restaurant a mile down the road that all your friends are raving about or the store you've heard positive things about, thanks to an advertising campaign. Plenty of examples also exist in service businesses, from print shops to package mailing sites. Many of these businesses are franchises — which have the added advantage of coming with a full toolkit on how to run the business. So not only do you NOT need to be a great salesperson, you also don't have to start your business from scratch. A huge variety of very successful franchise businesses that don't require sales expertise are available — and they come with a whole cadre of experts to help you learn the business and support you along the way. You'll find more great options in the following categories:

  • Moving & storage
  • Sign products
  • Community activities
  • Healthcare
In addition, you'll find options in the B2B category, particularly well-suited for corporate managers looking for the next career stage. The most important part of this process is to find a franchise that suits your background, preferences and skill set. Much of the first-line advice you should seek comes free of charge from franchise consultants, and then the quality of your research is limited only by your own work ethic and follow-through, both of which are essential for business owners. So if you can successfully complete a layered research process — which should include interviewing current franchisees — and make a match with a franchise that comes with a proven history of success, your odds go way up that you will thrive in a business of your own. One of the best things about having a franchise is you get your own business, but you're not alone. You have a whole team behind you to help you with the ins and outs of running the business. They are there to get you through the ramp-up phase of learning your new business, so you can quickly start making a profit. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a Work It Daily-approved expert.
Woman thinking about her career goals

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