Are You Relying on Outdated Career Advice? (Live Q&A)

Are You Relying on Outdated Career Advice? (Live Q&A)

On his blog, Seth Godin talked about outdated career advice. Advice geared towards getting a job in a Fortune 500 company. The same advice that’s been circulating for decades and geared toward the same companies responsible for a net loss of jobs over the last twenty years. The job market is changing. Not only are Fortune 500 companies no longer creating jobs, the standards they use to hire and to promote are no longer relevant in the current job market. LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman and entrepreneur Ben Casnocha believe the key to thriving in this new market is to stop relying on outdated career advice and to start treating your career the same way entrepreneurs treat their young businesses. To succeed today, they believe you need to treat your career like a start-up.

The Start-Up of You

Hoffman and Casnocha — authors of the #1 New York Times bestseller, The Start-Up of You — are hosting a live, hour-long Q&A where they will discuss how you can accelerate your career by employing the same business tactics entrepreneur’s use. And as a CAREEREALISM reader, your career questions will be given top priority!

About the Webinar

  • What: Live Q&A with LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman & entrepreneur/author Ben Casnocha to discuss career strategies in today’s market
  • How: (registration link)
  • When: Thursday, March 29 at 6:30 PM PST
In The Start-Up of You, Hoffman and Casnocha write by utilizing entrepreneurial tactics, you can ensure you are as marketable as possible, and that your career skills are honed for the modern business market. Tactics like:
  1. Taking intelligent and bold risks to accomplish something great
  2. Building a network of alliances to help with intelligence, resources and collective action
  3. Pivoting to a breakout opportunity
Register now to attend this live webcast, then leave your career questions for Hoffman and Casnocha in the comment section below. Use the hashtag #startQ to make sure your question gets priority. Want a free copy of their book, The Start-Up of You? Enter to win one of two free copies of The Start-Up of You on the Working for Wonka blog. You can enter multiple ways and multiple times. Drawing will take place April 1. Details on the blog. So if you’re looking for a job, if you want to change jobs, or you just want to stay top of the heap at your current job, you should forget what the big companies of the world expect from you. To get ahead today, start thinking like an entrepreneur and launch your career.

About “The Start-Up of You” Webinar Hosts

Reid Hoffman is a world-renowned entrepreneur and investor. He is co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network with 100+ million members. He is also a partner at Greylock, a leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm. He is an early investor in over 100 technology companies, including Facebook and Zynga. Ben Casnocha is an award-winning entrepreneur and author. He has written for Newsweek and public radio’s Marketplace and appeared on CNN, the CBS Early Show, and CNBC. BusinessWeek has named him one of “America’s best young entrepreneurs." He has spoken to more than ten thousand students and businesspeople in countries around the world. Kathy Ver Eecke, founder of Working for Wonka, is a former marketing executive who now works as a writer and speaker on the topic of surviving the start-up environment and working for an entrepreneur.Outdated career advice image from Shutterstock
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