
What Managers Really Think About Your Resume

What Managers Really Think About Your Resume
“Blah, blah, blah.” Yup, the CEO of a very successful company said exactly that about resumes, “Blah, blah, blah.” He even made the talking hand motions as he said it. A resume, is a resume, is a resume. To get a job today, you have to stand out in the crowd and coming up with the best derivative of the verb “managed” is not the way to do it. Chuck Dietrich, CEO of SlideRocket, explained this during his interview for Three to Get Ready; a video series where entrepreneur give their top three tips for getting, keeping or knowing when to leave a job with a start-up. Chuck is not alone in his belief that to get a job today, you have to reinvent the way you apply. In particular if you’re applying to a start-up. (And, in case you’re not watching the news these day, that’s where the jobs are!) Michael Brooks, the 24-year old CTO and founder of LifeKraze says he can fly through 500 resumes in under 30 minutes. “It’s not about the resume,” he explains. “A lot of kids get led down the wrong path of building this perfect resume, and using these sample formats and it’s really not about that.” Michael says if you want to work for someone, you need to show them how much you like their product or company and how you can make a difference. It shows the business owner that you want to work for them, versus being yet another person just looking for a paycheck. Both of these entrepreneurs have been blown away by creative approaches some applicants (most now new hires!) have used to grab their attention. For Dietrich, it was Hanna Phan an eager job seeker that tweeted him a link to a "présumé" that used Dietrich’s own software. (presume = resume presentation). Note Dietrich is the CEO of a large company, not the person that Hanna would report to, but she went straight to the top with a tweet that simply said:
@chuckdietrich @sliderocket I want to work with you! Find my application here:
In less than an hour Dietrich had responded:
@hannaphan @sliderocket AMAZING Preso! Let’s talk.
Hanna got the job. For Brooks, one of his now key employees sent his information storybook style with alternate endings based on where the reader wanted to go. “By the time I was done with the resume I knew this kid was special. He had something to offer this company that most people don’t,” Brook explains. He says getting your foot in the door is the hardest step, so you need to be creative to get there. So does this mean you don’t need a resume at all? No. In most cases you need some record or back story that shows what you’ve done. The message here is the resume itself is not your ticket to ride. Your personality, your gumption and your creativity are what will turn the heads of business owners. So if you’re ready to get creative, you might want to reach out to both of these entrepreneurs, because both companies are hiring now! For more tips from entrepreneurs, or to find out more about jobs with these two companies, check out the Three to Get Ready video series on WorkingForWonka. Kathy Ver Eecke, founder of Working for Wonka, is a former marketing executive who now works as a writer and speaker on the topic of surviving the start-up environment and working for an entrepreneur.Photo credit: Rido/
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