
Resume Q & A: Answers To Common Resume Questions

Resume Q & A: Answers To Common Resume Questions

When you're writing your resume, several questions may enter your mind. Is exaggerating a little bit on my resume considered lying? Should I put my full address on here? Do I have to have social media to get a job? Related:Top 10 Resume Trends For 2014 This post offers answers to common resume questions job seekers recently asked online:

What Does “Lying” Mean On A Resume?

You're lying when you make up jobs, dates of employment, responsibilities, education, or any other fact. You're not lying when you leave things out. Your resume is not your life story. It's a marketing document; it markets you to employers who are looking for someone with your skills and achievements.

Do You Have To Have Your Home Address On Your Resume?

Because e-mail and cell phones have made it much easier to connect with job applicants and because relocation is not the huge hurdle it used to be, many companies don’t care if you omit your home address on your resume. They understand that they are more likely to reach you by e-mail or phone and that you might have privacy concerns. Be aware, however, that some companies interview only local candidates with local addresses. If you're concerned about this or your privacy, consider using an address you rent from a mailbox supplier, such as Mailboxes, etc. or UPS. This way you can have a “local address” while you conduct a job search.

Do You Have To Be On Facebook, Twitter, Or LinkedIn To Get A Job?

It can help–many people have connected with recruiters and companies using social media–but it's not always required. If you're on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, keep your online information consistent with your resume and completely professional. Using social media the wrong way (for example, to rant against your former employer) could cost you your chance at an interview. Based on my discussions with hiring managers, many employers and recruiters search LinkedIn for candidates for jobs they are not yet advertising. In addition, once you're identified as a potential candidate, many companies will specifically search LinkedIn for your profile. If your profile is not there, they may reject you as a candidate. Therefore, having a LinkedIn profile gives you the best chance to get a job. This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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