Sugar cravings. We've all experienced them at work. How can busy professionals successfully avoid these sugar cravings and keep a healthy lifestyle?
Well, that afternoon coffee and cookie break, or candy bar from the vending machine, could be making your sugar cravings worse. Fact: When you don't give in to those cravings, you are more likely to reduce them.
Here are three effective tips to curb sugar cravings at work!
1.Stay Hydrated & Check Your Carbs
The first thing to focus on is to make sure you're properly hydrated. Then, check the kinds of carbs you're consuming.
There are two kinds of carbohydrates: simple and complex. The easiest way to tell the difference between the two is to look at how much they are processed.
A complex carbohydrate is one that has not been overly processed, like whole wheat bread and pasta, oats, barley, quinoa—all of those grains that are still pretty wholesome.
A simple carbohydrate is one that has been processed, removing a lot of the fiber. Examples of simple carbohydrates include white flour or pasta, candy bars, or something that's a little sweeter—and what you probably crave more.
2.Decrease Your Consumption Of Simple Carbs
In order to reduce your sugar cravings at work, you should increase your intake of wholesome, complex carbohydrates, and reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates, along with reducing the things you know have sugar.
Think about what's going into your morning coffee, or if you're drinking soda, juice, or sweetened tea. The more unsweetened drinks you consume, the better. Next, look at your meals and snacks. Are you starting your day with sugary cereal or yogurt? Or are you having something more wholesome that doesn't start off your day super sweet?
Taking a look at everything you eat and drink will truly bring into focus just how much sugar you're consuming in a day.
3.Pay Attention To Ingredient Lists
The best way to notice how much sugar has been added to food (that you aren't making from scratch!) is to look at the ingredient list. Usually, you can find this underneath or beside the nutrition label.
When reading through the ingredient list, anything that has the word sugar, syrup, or ends with the letters -ose, is added sugar. Some examples include brown rice syrup, corn syrup, fructose, maltose, dextrose, even raw organic cane sugar. If you see those words or that ending in the ingredient list it means that sugar has been added to that product.
So, if you want to get rid of those pesky sugar cravings at work, make sure you eat more wholesome foods. You can still eat fruit! Just because it tastes sweet doesn't mean sugar has been added. Fruit is a great source of natural sugar and fiber, and is definitely a good choice for a morning or afternoon snack.
Look at what you're bringing to work, what you're having at home, what you're ordering out, and what you're buying at the cafeteria. Chances are there are some sugary foods and drinks you can switch out for healthier and more wholesome options.
If you follow these tips, you'll be sure to notice over time (not immediately!) how reducing the amount of added sugars you consume will drastically reduce your daily sugar cravings.
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Note: Individuals should always speak to their physician before making any significant dietary or lifestyle changes.
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