Top 10 Creative Job Search Secrets

Top 10 Creative Job Search Secrets

Leveraging your network is extremely important in your job search. Collaboration is no different. It's essential in making your job search happen - and with positive results. The job market is extremely competitive. Because of this, it is easy for companies and hiring manager's to overlook qualified candidates because they are inundated with hundreds or thousands of candidates for one solitary position. Our friends and network can help make us stand out in a crowded market, placing our name squarely and frequently in front of the eyes of the decision maker multiple times and in multiple ways. My friend, Bryon Abramawitz (The HR Technologist) feels the same way about the job search, which is why we've teamed up to bring you the 10 Most Creative Job Search Secrets (Guaranteed). Bryon lists his "Top 5 Job Search Tips" on his blog, and mine are below.

1. Google Alerts

Set up a Google alert for your name, common misspellings of your name, and your target companies. Stay up to date on what people are saying about you and your company(s) of choice.

2. Use KnowEm

This service protects your brand and creates profiles for you on up to 350 social media accounts. There is a fee associate with this service, but I guarantee it is worth your time. You provide KnowEm with a profile picture and bio, and they do the rest; opening and setting up your profile with just a click of a mouse.

3. Canvasing

This is a common practice among groups and Greek organizations in college. Build a guerrilla PR team and start canvasing, helping to market yourself both online and offline. This could be in the form of offering free window washing services in the downtown area for executives or flash mobs at public areas, or events if you are a creative. Online, your PR team can promote you by recommending you on LinkedIn, commenting and promoting your blog, and singing your praises. Divide and conquer is an great strategy that will provide fantastic results in half the time.

4. Weekly Profile Updates

Update your CareerBuilder, Monster, LinkedIn, and other job board profiles weekly (or twice a week) to keep them fresh, current, and at the top of the search results. This makes it easy for recruiters and hiring managers to find you.

5. Host Your Own Event

Host a cocktail mixer at your home or favorite classy bar. Invite friends & ask them to invite a friend. You control the guest list and will be sure to meet and welcome each new guest. Make your creative job search intentions known in a casual and fun atmosphere. The job search doesn't have to be a lonely and solitary place. By using our friends and colleagues, we can network and have a little fun. This will differentiate ourselves in the competitive marketplace, and land a job that fits our experience and personality.

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