3 Ways Twitter Can Help Your Job Hunt

3 Ways Twitter Can Help Your Job Hunt
Celebrities like Lady Gaga (approximately 28.8 million Twitter followers) and Justin Bieber (approximately 27.1 million followers) can advance their careers and gain even more notoriety with a 140 character long tweet. But can a job hunter with no followers actually use this site of very short messages to get a job? You bet you can! In my latest article which appears in U.S. News & World Report, I identify Twitter techniques that recruiters use, and how you can capitalize on them as you hunt for your next job. This major social media site can be mined for job opportunities not easily found elsewhere and help you track the activities of companies. When you carefully put yourself “out there” you can greatly add to the value of your own personal brand. READ THE FULL ARTICLE ►Twitter job hunt image via Juan Camilo Bernal / Shutterstock.com