
What's An Applicant Tracking System?

What's An Applicant Tracking System?

Statistics reveal that 75% of large companies are using applicant tracking systems to review and rank resumes before a recruiter sees them. For example, Microsoft gets 50,000 resumes weekly and the amount of labor to review these would be prohibitive. Another reason companies use applicant tracking systems is to ensure compliance with EEOC rules so Human Resources will insist that every resume goes through these systems. The challenge is if you do not receive a good ranking, your resume may not be seen. Imagine the manager that received 600 resumes for a posted position. She will login to the applicant tracking system and see candidate information sorted by ranking order. Only basic information is shown and she will only see the resume if she clicks on the Details button. The odds are she will look at the top 50 candidates and only stop when she has 10 people to invite in for an interview. The bottom line? Of the 600 candidates probably less than 50% will ever have their resume reviewed. Pretty sad if you consider that most people are not trained in how the applicant tracking systems work, making it all the more difficult to get that good ranking.

Your Next Step

On the next page I provide a complimentary 18-point checklist of things you must have to properly write a resume for this job market. Get your copy now. FREE DOWNLOAD ►Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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