
What to Say to Someone Who Recently Got Laid Off

What to Say to Someone Who Recently Got Laid Off
Getting laid off is an incredibly emotional and stressful time in someone's life, and having love and support from family and friends is incredibly important. If you're not sure what to say to someone who recently got laid off, you're not alone. It's a very touchy situation. That's why we asked our readers what they thought was the most helpful and/or comforting thing to say to someone who recently lost his or her job. Here's what they said:

"Things Will Work Out"

"Everything happens for a reason." - Chris "One door closes another one always opens... you'll find something." - Glenn "It is well, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh Blessed be the Name of thy Lord." - Mfon

"You'll Get Through This"

"Like a cat, you will always land on your feet." - Sian "Time to move on to bigger and better things." - Michelle "Your talent will make room for you" - Leighsa

"You're Better Off"

"Hey! They might have done you a huge favor!!" - Ilana "Their loss." - Susan "When a door closes, a window of 'opportunity' opens!" - Jonathan "Take charge!" - Seye Do you agree with these suggestions? Would they help you? What words would comfort you if you were laid off? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below. Image Credit: Shutterstock
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