How To Develop A Good Work/Life Balance

How To Develop A Good Work/Life Balance

Happy people are more fun to be around, have better relationships, and are more engaged at work. In short, a happy employee is more useful than someone who is stressed. Related:Balancing Your Work Life: What’s Your Ratio? No one said on their death bed, "I wish I had spent more time at the office." However, many people live as if this was true, spending time off answering phone calls and checking e-mails, not detaching from work entirely. Long term, this can lead to issues such as excessive tiredness, lack of productivity, and disconnection from people. To ensure you make the best of your time at work and home, good work/life balance ideas include:

  • Analyzing the use of your time and deciding what's really important.
  • Leaving work at work. Turn off your cell phone, shut down your laptop, and set a clear boundary between work and home.
  • Saying "no" to stressful things that will only cause conflict later on. This will allow you to focus on the parts of your life you really care about and give them 100% attention.
  • Managing your time effectively by putting family events in a shared calendar and keeping a daily to-do list.
From an employer’s perspective, they can improve their team’s work/life balance by including flexi-hours, compressed work weeks, job-sharing, telecommuting and child-care support. These options allow employees to have more control over their lives, enabling them to be more productive. Finding a quality work/life balance that suits you is important over your long-term career. Put good plans in place now to ensure you will still be enjoying your career for many years to come.

Watch This Webinar!

Are you ready to get a job? In this engaging webinar, we will delve further into marketing and selling yourself professionally. Do this right, and you will see a real upswing in your application/interview rate! Join us for this special presentation on selling yourself to employers. Presenter: Tom O'Neil, international author, award winning motivational speaker and regular contributor in personal and career achievement. Cost: Free!   WATCH NOW ►   Photo Credit: Shutterstock  

About The Presenter

Featured in the Economist and Harvard Business Review, Tom O’Neil is an international author, award winning motivational speaker and regular contributor in personal and career achievement. He is international author of both the ‘1% Principle’ and ‘Selling Yourself to Employers’, and is also an international contributor (2008 – 2014) to the world’s best-selling personal development guide ‘What Color is Your Parachute?’    
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